DVOK MarbleFit Collection (10 Colour Gels + 1 Marble Base Gel) - (Full 11pc Collection/1 Marble Base Gel)
DVOK MarbleFit Collection (10 Colour Gels + 1 Marble Base Gel) - (Full 11pc Collection/1 Marble Base Gel)
Full 11pc Collection
Aurora Nail Supply (For pickup please contact us to make an appointment)
60 Johnson Street
Reservoir VIC 3073
HEMA Free, Di-HEMA Free,13-Free, Vegan and Cruelty Free
Achieve stunning marble designs with ease using DVOK's specialised MarbleFit Collection.
This full collection includes 10 MarbleFit Colour Gels and 1 MarbleFit Base Gel.
Each Colour Gel bottle comes with a unique, thin brush tip that has been especially produced for creating marble designs.
Application instructions:
(prep nail and apply base coat before these steps)
1. Apply Marble Base Gel to nail - don't cure.
2. Apply MarbleFit Colour Gel to create marble design of your choice - on application, the colour gels will spread through and disperse slightly.
3. When happy with design and marble effect, cure for 60S with UV/LED lamp.
Swipe to watch application videos for visual insight
10g in each bottle
Contact us for MSDS information sheet
IF this listing starts with the words: "PRE-ORDER", then the item is estimated to arrive at our shop in 1 to 3 weeks; this duration may be earlier or later depending on when the last restock was organised, transit delays, etc. Any items in the same order as this pre-order item will be held and sent out all together once restocked. Priority and shipping of this item will be done sequentially based on date of purchase.